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Pets As Holiday Presents

As the holidays are around the corner, we wanted to send out that gentle reminder that pets as a holiday gift is a MINIMUM of 2 years - 20 years commitment. Why do I start there? See below. Below you will see the average max life span of each species listed. Mice: 2-3 years Fish: 1-10 years Dog: 10-13 years Cat: 12-18 years Rabbit: 8-12 years Parakeet: 5-15 years Puppies, kittens, guinea pigs, hamsters, and so many more lovable creatures are asked for by family members and friends as presents for the holidays. The problem is that many of these pets either end up back in the shelter, pet store, or rehomed. I've seen this first hand when working at the shelters. Deciding to take on a pet is an enormous responsibility and they require YEARS of commitment . This decision must be discussed with the potential owner, child or adult, and made sure that they understand this is a huge commitment of time and effort. They can be the most rewarding gifts if gone about in the right...

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