Wednesday, June 29, 2011


One of the NUMBER ONE reasons that animals come into the hospital during the summer months is HEAT STROKE!!!!!!!!!!!

1. Brachycephalic or "snub nose" dogs/cat over heat much easier and faster than a "normal" dog. (ex. Pugs, Bulldogs, Persian cats)

(<--- example my dog "Lilo", a French Bulldog, and her face isn't pushed in too bad at all! Note her nostrils how they are very small. That is called "stenotic nares" aka small nostrils. Make it harder to breathe.)
<-Stenotic Nares <-Normal

It's like trying to breathe fast through a straw!

2. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR PET IN YOUR CAR WHILE YOU RUN INTO THE STORE AND/OR DO A QUICK ERRAND. It does NOT take long for an animal to over heat and a cracked window DOES NOT HELP!

3. Long walks. 
Unless you are really able to read your pet, make sure you do not push them too hard or far in the heat with exercising. Some pets will do more than they physically can and won't "let you know", by that point, it's too late when you figure it out.

4. Dogs/Cats don't sweat except from the paw pads. Besides that, fur, and panting, those are the only significant forms of regulating their own body temperatures.

Some possible signs your pet is over heating:
1. Excessive panting
2. Bright pink gums/ears/muzzle
3. Drooling
4. Lying laterally recumbent (on their side, breathing rapidly)
5. Physically feeling hot to your touch
6. Finding shade to lay in/cool floor to lay on. (Hot pavement in the summer is just as uncomfortable to their bare feet as yours!!)

How to keep your pet cool:

1. Keep a fan on or air-conditioning on when you are not home to keep the air circulating in your rooms, an open window usually will not do enough.

2. Always make sure there is shade available for your pet, whether it's indoors or out. 

3. Always make sure there is fresh, clean, water available. The colder, the better.

(If you go to the beach/park bring a bowl and your own water to make sure there is some available for your pet!)

4. Ice Cubes
My Frenchie thinks they are treats in the summer, I make her do tricks for them and she loves them. It's a way of getting water in without forcing down their throat. PUURRFEECCTTT!!

Also put ice cubes in water bowls to make sure their water stays cold just like yours!

5. Wet them down!

If they are running in a dog park, throw water all over them! It may make them need a bath once home, but it keeps them cool and away from the hospital from heat stroke!

Even keeping a kiddie pool around so that they can jump in can help!

These are just a few signs and a few ways of keeping your pets cool this summer. If you are ever unsure if your pet is too hot or not, stop the playing, bring them indoors into AC and give them water. If they still do not seem right to your vet, bring them to your vet ASAP.

A dogs normal temperature is between 99F-102.5F
A cats normal temperature is between 99-102.5/103F (depending on stress)

If you are ever unsure take a digital thermometer and take your pets temperature rectally if they let you! Use KY lube and be gentle.

Always call your local vet if you are unsure. 

Until next time,

Rachel Husney, LVT

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